5 Ways to Keep Your Heart Healthy

Heart disease is the second leading cause of death in Canada and it affects approximately 2.4 million Canadian adults. That’s why keeping your heart healthy as you age is very important.

There are many things that contribute to your overall heart health, such as exercise, diet and lifestyle. There are also ways to maintain your heart health.

Check the five ways below.


Incorporating cardio and strength training to your exercise routine will help maintain the overall health of your heart. Walking is an excellent way to get your cardio going, plus it lowers the risk of heart disease, improves mobility and reduces pain.

Your heart is a muscle and like any other muscle in your body, it needs to stay strong. Try adding strength training to your exercise routine, it helps maintain your muscles and increases your chances of enjoying a long and healthy life.

Always consult with your primary health care provider before you begin a new exercise regimen.

Healthy and Balanced Diet

Heart disease includes illnesses that affect the heart and blood vessels often resulting in the narrowing and blockage of arteries by plaque deposits. These are often caused by high cholesterol consumed from foods. Having a healthy and balanced diet is crucial in maintaining your heart’s health, especially in the long term.

Reduce Your Salt Intake

Most people consume too much salt, and as a result it contributes to high blood pressure. High blood pressure increases the risk for heart attacks and strokes. Studies show that reducing salt intake for at least four weeks can significantly lower blood pressure and the risk of heart disease. It is recommended to reduce your salt intake permanently in your diet.

Always consult with your primary health care provider before you make important changes to your diet.

Maintain Good Oral Health

It might not be mentioned often, but your oral health is as important as any other aspects of your overall health. It should be a priority in your regular routine. Note that older adults are particularly at high risk for oral health issues and poor oral health has been linked to other risks, such as heart disease, poor nutrition, glycemic control and respiratory infection.

Maintain your oral health by reducing your consumption of sugary foods and sweetened beverages. You can also, brush and floss your teeth every day and visit your dentist for regular check-ups.

Don’t Rely on Supplements

Just like most things in life, taking supplements should be done in moderation. There are a wide range of dietary supplements available on the market. In certain cases, supplements may improve your health or do nothing or even cause unwanted side effects. It is best to talk to your health care provider to discuss what dietary supplements might support your overall health.

A combination of these five ways will help you stay healthy as you age!

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